3 LEAST UPPER BOUND AND GREATEST LOWER BOUND 25 (2.3.6) Let (AA)AeL be a family of nonempty majorized subsets of R; let A = (J AA, and let B be the set of elements sup AA. In order that A be major- XeL ized, a necessary and sufficient condition is that B be majorized, and then sup A = sup B. It follows at once from the definition that any majorant of A is a majorant of B, and vice versa, hence the result. Let/be a mapping of a set A into the set R of real numbers;/is said to be majorized (resp. minorized, bounded) in A if the subset /(A) of R is majorized (resp. minorized, bounded); we write sup/(A) = sup/(x), JceA inf/(A) = inf f(x) when these numbers are defined (supremum and infimum xeA off in A). If/is majorized, then —/is minorized, and inf (-/(*)) =-sup/(x). xeA xeA (2.3.7) Let f be a mapping ofAl x A2 into R; iff is majorized, sup /(*!, x2) = sup ( sup /(*!, x2)) Oil *2>e AI x AS xi eAi *26 Aa For we can write /(Ai x A2) as the union of sets/^} x A2), jq ranging through Al9 and apply (2.3.6). (2.3.8) Letf, g be two mappings of A into R such thatf(x) < g(x)for every xeA; then ifg is majorized, so isf, and sup/(x) < sup g(x). JceA This follows immediately from the definitions. (2.3.9) Let f and g be two mappings of A into R; if f and g are both major- ized, so is f+ g (i.e. the mapping x-*f(x) +#(;*:)), and sup (/(*) + g(x)) < sup f(x) 4- sup g (x). xeA xeA xeA If in addition g is minorized then sup/(x) 4- inf g(x) < sup (f(x) + g(x)) xeA xeA xeA are satisfied, we cannot have sup X = /? < y, for there would be an n such